Caldwell Lesley
Lesley Caldwell, che vive e lavora a Londra, è membro della British Psychoanalytical Association, Joint General Editor delle Opere di Winnicott e curatrice, con la dr.ssa Angela Joyce, del volume “Leggere Winnicott” edito, per l’Italia, dalla Franco Angeli.
Lesley Caldwell is an Honorary Professor in the Psychoanalysis Unit at UCL. She is a psychoanalyst of the BPA, a member of the BPF, and a guest member of the BPAS, in private practice in London. She has been an editor for the Winnicott Trust since 2002 and was its Chair of Trustees from 2009 to 2012. With Helen Taylor Robinson she is Joint General Editor of the Trust's DWW Collected Writings project (2015). With Angela Joyce she published Reading Winnicott for the New Library teaching series( 2011). For the Winnicott Studies monograph series (Karnac & Squiggle Foundation, 2000-2008) she was editor of Art, Creativity, Living (2000), The Elusive Child (2003), Sex and Sexuality: Winnicottian Perspectives (2005) and Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition (2007).
She established the Psychoanalysis Unit's Interdisciplinary Programme to explore interfaculty links between the Psychoanalysis Unit and other disciplines and schools. She has a long standing interest in psychoanalysis and the arts.
She is a Training and Supervising analyst for the IPA's China programme and a Training analyst for the Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Trainings. She teaches and supervises on the MSc in Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies and the MPhil/PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies in the Psychoanalysis Unit at UCL. She has been external examinar for the Tavistock Observational Studies MA and the MA in Infant Mental Health.
Dr Caldwell is also Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Italian department at UCL where she was joint organizer (with Dorigen Caldwell of Birkbeck) of the three year research seminar Rome, the growth of the city from the return of the Popes to the Present, and co-editor of Rome: Encounters between Past and Present (Ashgate, 2011). She continues to co-organize the lecture series, On Rome, held termly. She is consultant to the AHRC network on La Mamma headed by Professor Penny Morris and Professor Perry Willson and
Co-Investigator with Fabio Camilletti (Warwick) of the AHRC network Roman Modernities. She has written extensively on the Italian family, the topic of her book Italian Family Matters (Macmillan,1991), on Italian cinema, and on the city of Rome. She is currently researching a book on modern Rome and furthering an interest in the development and practice of psychoanalysis in Italy.
Dr Caldwell coordinated the Italian strand of the AHRC funded project Psychoanalysis and the Humanities, located at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, directed by Professor Naomi Segal. The results of this appeared in Italian and Psychoanalysis, a special issue of the Journal Institute Germanic and Romance Studies (2011) edited with Francesco Capello, which included articles by psychoanalysts and academics. Further articles on this Italian theme appear in Vicissitudes Histories and Destinies of Psychoanalysis edited by S Kivland & N Segal & S ( 2013).
She taught and supervised on the Institute's MA in Cultural Memory from its inception in the 1990s till 2008.
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